- Cystoscopy & retrograde study of renal pelvis
- Ureteroscopy
- Ureteroscopy and stone extraction/fragmentation (laser or lithoclast)
- Cystoscopy & Insertion of ureteric JJ Stent
- Endoscopic (Transurethral) resection of bladder tumour (TURBT).
- Endoscopic hydro-distension of bladder (Increase the size of the bladder).
- Endoscopic extraction of bladder stone.
- Flexible /rigid diagnostic endoscopic examination of the bladder.
- Insertion of supra-pubic catheter.
- Urodynamic and video-urodynamic assessment for lower urinary tract symptoms & Incontinence.
- Intra-vesical BOTOX® injection for overactive bladder.
- Intra-vesical insertion of Hyalorounic acid for interstitial cystitis and recurrent urinary tract infection.
- Cystoscopy and urethral dilatation.
- Optical urethrotomy for urethral stricture.
- Peri-urethral injection of bulking agent (Bulkamid®) for genuine urinary stress incontinence in females.